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Programs & Courses

To fulfill its mission of assisting colleges and universities to meet the educational needs of working adults, CCPD has developed systems and instituted practices designed exclusively for the working adult learner and CCPD partners. Efficient Use of the Working Adult’s Time The courses that comprise each program are convenient for working adults. Classes generally meet after work at locations that are easily accessible to the student. Sequential Scheduling Because of the intense nature of the curriculum, students take courses sequentially rather than concurrently (the practice in most higher education institutions serving younger students). Courses are presented in five- to eight-week segments with appropriate breaks. Structured Curriculum Specific educational objectives, learning activities, and learning outcomes are found in each course and in every degree program. To graduate, students are required to demonstrate and achieve standard outcomes for each course in their degree program. The curriculum for each course contains all of the materials and instructions necessary to satisfy the course requirements. Courses are developed in conjunction with the partner institution and must be approved through all established academic channels. Curriculum Review and Revision coming soon Practical Application Students in most courses within the programs are required to develop work-related projects or case…

Our Online Academy

Applied Technology & Engineering

Business, Accounting & Management

Children & Youth
Community & Social Services
Creative Arts & Design
Emergency Services
Fashion & Esthetics
Foundations & Language Training
Health & Wellness
Hospitality & Tourism
Information, Computer & Digital Technology
International Development
Justice & Legal Studies
Media, Public Relations & Marketing
Music & Performing Arts
Skilled Trades & Apprenticeships
MSc. International Relations
Msc. Economics
Graduate Dip. Conflict Resolutions
MSc. Human Resources Management and Development
Graduate Certificate Accounting and Finance 


Do you want to earn a **higher salary**? How about **better career opportunities**? Or maybe you want to **sharpen your skills and acquire more knowledge** to help you in your current job but you just don’t have the time to undertake a regular Masters programme. CCPD Academy for Online Studies is committed to developing business leaders and managers that are equipped for next-generation practice in the global marketplace.

will be able to provide feedback and evaluation about the course syllabus, the trainers and the practical experience that is delivered during the program.
CCPD also specializes in providing the followings:

CCPD also Provide the Followings:

  • On Demand Short Term Training
  • Legal Training & Services in AFG
  • Consultancy/ Research/ Surveys

CCPD a Canadian professional Institute with considerable experience within the subject they are tasked to train and teach. CCPD has been motivated by passing on their knowledge to the students and accomplished in presenting its expertise to students.
The lecturing team will be able to draw on case studies and past experience to emphasis key points within their lectures. They will supply video and photographic evidence of case studies and debate relevant subject matter with the students.
Lectures will include practical work to back up the theory work

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